Friday, September 19, 2008

The Photo Shoot Experience

Well, we finally got some family pictures taken. I've been talking about it for a LONG time, and yesterday I think Ben got sick of hearing me bring it up, because we just called a place and went in on the spur of the moment. I think they turned out okay. I'm happy with a few of them, and fine with the rest of them. Cheesy, studio portrait pictures have their place I suppose. Man, it takes a lot out of you! We were there for just a little over two hours, and afterwards, Ben and I were ready to collapse on the couch! It takes a lot to get the kids to cooperate, and you really can't get mad at them or demand too much from them, or else they have a meltdown, and then you're not getting ANY good pictures! So, essentially, Ben and I were jumping up and down, singing stupid songs, making crazy get the idea. Jacy is one tough cookie! She doesn't smile unless she thinks something is REALLY funny, and apparently, Mom and Dad just aren't quite that funny, ya know? She FINALLY started showing some cute smiles towards the end of the shoot when I started singing "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" as fast and as loud as I possibly could (hand actions and all). I bet that portrait studio was SO GLAD when we finally left. Well, I'm sure they are used to crazy parents acting like idiots to get their kids to smile. I would love to know what's going on in the kids' heads as they watch their parents. I can only imagine that diologue!


Amy said...

Oh, I think they are all cute! At least your kids smile! Love the last family shot and the one with Dax and Jacy laying on their stomachs. So CUTE!

Pat, Miriam, Taylor, and Spencer said...

ok this is totaly off the post you posted but did you create your background let me know because i thing i downloaded paper just like your and i have a question. how you got it to fit on your whole page, because mine did not. thanks.


Cute pics- way to get it done. It is still on my long list of things to do.

Nana and Grandpa Kent said...

look at me leaving a comment! I'm really going to get good at this whole blogging thing! I of course loved ALL of them! Please let me know what I need to do to get some copies. I love my grandkids!

Jamie said...

That sounds so funny! I'd love to see you guys jumping around, singing. I love visualizing that in my head.

The pictures turned out darling. You are beautiful!