I can't believe my baby boy is four years old! We had a little party with two of Daxton's best friends, Sarah and Ben. We were going to have a Diego party, but Mom was in a time crunch, and the only pinata's they had at Wal-Mart were transformers, which was Daxton's second party theme choice, so we went with that. It was a great party, and Daxton was so cute. Honestly.....when he said the prayer on the food and thanked Heavenly Father that "his Mom could make him a transformer's cake," I teared up. What a sweet boy we have been blessed with. We love him all to bits and pieces! Happy Birthday Dax!
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Posted by Unknown at 5:18 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Old Navy Weekly Score!
If you're not familiar with the website www.oldnavyweekly.com, then you probably wouldn't appreciate this post. Ben and I were introduced to this website about a month and a half ago, and we've been trying since then to score some coupons off of it. Last week marked our sixth attempt at this, and we were finally able to secure two 50$ off of 100$ purchase coupons!! Hence, we went on an Old Navy shopping spree, and I had to take a picture to show off some of the adorable things we got! And, of course, we had to have a "try on" session when we got home, which the kids hated, and I enjoyed much more than I should have. We decided to try on all of the winter clothes (boo!) at the same time to make sure we are prepared for our first midwestern winter (boo!). The kids got excited at least.
Posted by Unknown at 7:25 AM 4 comments