Friday, September 3, 2010

Going Biannual

I have a confession to make.......I hate blogging. Not because I don't enjoy keeping in touch with friends/family, and not because I don't feel that it's a good way to accomplish that, but because I feel guilt for not keeping it updated and for not posting the latest pictures of my kids and funny stories to share. Our lives have been changing too often for me to keep up with the blogging business; so, I've come to a conclusion. Our blog is now going to be updated biannually. Twice a year. Summer and Christmas. That's my plan. Take it or leave it. Sorry to disappoint!

Hence, the summer update for 2010: Since my last post, Ben was recalled by the airline that he had been furloughed from, and after an intense, frustration-filled decision-making process we determined that we would give the industry one more go. Let me assure you it was not an easy decision. If you know of anyone who is contemplating becoming a pilot who doesn't plan on staying single and sterile, refer them to us, and we will do our best to persuade them to do anything else. That being said, it doesn't take long for anyone who knows Ben to see that he is infinitely happier in the sky than on the ground. The major drawback to Ben's return to the sky was that we had to nix our house. Poof.......there goes my dream. Maybe someday, right? For now I guess we will stay in our crowded, occasionally smokey, yardless townhouse. Am I painting a less-than-enthusiastic picture? Well, let's just say it hasn't been easy for me to make the mental switch from preparing to move into more comfortable circumstances to just staying put for awhile, especially with the ever-present, ominous threat of being furlouged again and left to our own resources to figure out what to do in an economically-depressed region of the country (not that I'm bitter). :) On a more optimistic note, it is fun to see my Ben dressed up in his pilot uniform (what woman is not attracted to a man in uniform, seriously?) with a smile on his face and a spring in his step that was just not there when he was headed off to change tires every day for the past several months. I guess that makes it worth it.
The kids and I are gearing up for some major changes in our routine starting this fall - perhaps the greatest of which will be Daxton starting full-day Kindergarten. This has been giving me severe anxiety. I honestly feel like I am sending my little lamb off to the slaughter. Fortunately for us all, he is genuinely excited about school and is anticipating starting next Tuesday. I just pray he keeps that attitude up. I have so many hesitations about this whole process. My memories of elementary school are less than positive (you're not surprised, are you?). I am seriously considering having one of our medical student friends out here prescribe me some valium so that I can make it through the day on Tuesday. I've never seriously considered home schooling for a variety of reasons, and I still don't feel like it is a good option for us, but I may change my tune depending on the outcome of this year for Daxton. Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised? Maybe.
Other changes on our horizon involve me going back to school part-time from home to finish up that degree that I never received from BYU. I did some investigating this summer and found out that I am 7 classes away from graduating from BYU with my MFHD degree, and that I can do at least 4 of those classes online. I am thrilled about this and am working out a schedule so that I can start getting these classes finished asap. With my schedule already as crazy as it is working essentially 3/4 time, taking care of the kids full-time, and taking school classes now as well, there is really going to be little time for anything else.
Well, that's the update for the summer of 2010. Stay tuned for our Christmas update with new pictures of the kids and the exciting developments of our lives. At the rate we like to switch things up, we'll probably be living in another country by then. :) Happy Fall to all!

Love, The Johnsons