Saturday, July 21, 2007


This video was taken one evening that we were watching our friends kid Brayden. These two always imitate each other. I was really sad I couldn't record them at church one week when they both found a pair of sunglasses and were dancing to the intermediate hymn. I don't know about you, but I think Dax one, and he didn't even have to pull off his diaper. (That's aluding to Zoolander if you haven't seen it.) The picture is of Dax helping me wash our car, well, trying to help, mostly just eating the "bubblesh".

In news: two years after my commercial license, I've finally gotten my Certified Flight Instructor Rating, whew! So I am now in Delta Connection Academy's "Standz" Class that trains all new hire instructors, and contingent on satisfacory completion of the class, I'll finally start making money flying, yea!


DC United said...

He's definitely got the skills to pay the bills...wha-wha?!

Max Fam said...

Dax is so cute. Do you guys know is baby # 2 is pink or blue? Come visit us in Louisville now that Ben has all the free flights he can handle.